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Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Man Made Global Warming
Sounding The Alarm
All Points of View
Considering Some Warming
The Skeptics
Sounding The Alarm
North America
Is CO2 A Pollutant?
Agriculture and Food
Environmental Problems and Progress
History of Climate Change
Man Made Global Warming
Urban Environments
Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, Drinking Water
Water Resource Management
Wild Fires
Wildlife, Biodiversity and Environment
46 Statements by IPCC Experts Against The IPCC
50 years of climate catastrophe predictions
Africa does not need Western Elites meaningless climate policies
Alarms about climate are delusions
Allow whims of alarmists to dictate policy - Then pay the price
Americans are the villians
Birth and growth of UN IPCC
Carbon dioxide falsely accused by another UN IPCC report - 2021
China and Russia rejoice at America’s quest to go green
Climate Change - The Alarmists versus Mother Nature
Climate change facts: the science and impacts
Climate change is about control, not the environment
Climate emergency? It is a lie!
CLINTEL - UN IPCC uses false science, rejects dialogue
CLINTEL open letter (4) to UN Guterres on plans to stop climate change
Collection of stories about climate change alarmists
Consequences of being wrong on climate change
COP15 - Climate Change - Ebb and Flow of the Tide
COP21 - Paris Climate Conference is likely to fail
COP22 - la COP de l’action ?
COP22 - The Marrakech, Morocco Climate Summit
COP25 - Greta Thunberg
COP25 - Judith Curry comments
COP25 - Unrealistic Moderates versus Impossible Extremists
COP26 - Alarmists lament that we are still on the road to hell
COP26 - Another Failure For The Planet
COP26 - Carbon Imperialism
COP26 - CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders
COP26 - Closer to avoiding climate chaos
COP26 - Consecutive cold years reveal climate lies
COP26 - Germany opposes nuclear power for everyone
COP26 - How Nuclear Power Can Help Tackle Climate Change
COP26 - Hubris of our political overlords
COP26 - Iceland
COP26 - Methane madness
COP26 - Scots shoveling snow before conference in in Glasgow
COP26 - UN IPCC at odds with 40 percent of the world
COP27 - Questionable leaders versus knowledgeable professionals on energy and climate change
COP28 - Another Pointless UN Climate Conference
COP28 - Combine Outrage With Optimism
COP28 - Could Have Largest Carbon Footprint In History Of The Event
COP28 - Flop
COP28 - Gets coal in its stocking
COP28 - Hypocricy is too feeble a word
COP28 - Its time for a climate exit
COP28 - King Charles supports Net Zero
COP28 - Net zero needs nuclear power
COP28 - Pope Francis calls for end to fossil fuels
COP28 - Showdown Between Alarmists and Pragmatists
COP28 - The world is facing hellish 3 deg C of climate heating
COP28 - There is no science behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels
COP28 - Young people positive about nuclear energy
Green Policies Creating an Uncertain Future
History of website
Hottest September Ever
Inconvenient truths behind hysteria over climate change
John Kerry - Climate Doom Zealot
Just 12 years to limit devastating global warming
Letter to children skipping school to protest man-made global warming
Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting discusses Global Warming
Managers of 40 trillion dollars make plans to decarbonize the world
Need to wear old clothes, forgo heat, air conditioning, travel
Nuclear power key to least-cost, zero-emission electricity systems
Nuclear4Climate Declaration
Renewed panic alarm about man-made global warming
Scoping Net Zero
Some significant uncorrected errors by the IPCC
Stop use of fossil fuels because of man-made global warming
Summary for Policymakers: Climate Change 2013
The climate movement is a religion
The Climate Summit to Nowhere
The profound junk science of climate
Time for Truth Telling in Glasgow
Time is quickly running out to save the planet from man-made global warming
U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked
UN IPCC 1st Assessment Report - Sun versus CO2 as cause of climate change
UN IPCC 5th Assessment Report - Causal Chain of Events
UN IPCC 5th Assessment Report - Speedier Action Needed
UN IPCC 5th Assessment Report - Summary for Policymakers
UN IPCC 6th Assessment Report - Irreversible man-made climate change damage
UN Says Melting Arctic Ice Is Key Indicator of Climate Change - But It Is Not Melting
Where the climate researchers are probably on the wrong track - Part 2
Why transnational government agencies can not control CO2
Window to avert catastrophic climate change is quickly closing - April 2022
Women in Nuclear - Climate Change Alarmism