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Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Man Made Global Warming
The Skeptics
All Points of View
Considering Some Warming
The Skeptics
Sounding The Alarm
North America
Is CO2 A Pollutant?
Agriculture and Food
Environmental Problems and Progress
History of Climate Change
Man Made Global Warming
Urban Environments
Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, Drinking Water
Water Resource Management
Wild Fires
Wildlife, Biodiversity and Environment
2019 Climate theory about sun and clouds
500 Jahren Luther - Respekt vor der Wahrheit
A fresh look at climate change
A New Paradigm for Climate Science - CO2 is Innocent
A physics view of man-made Climate Change
A simple explanation of the new climate science
About Global Warming
About Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change
Actual temperature versus climate models
Against The Thesis Of Man-Made Global Warming
AGW built on failed scientific assuptions and economic speculations
Alice in Wonderland science
An errant environmental encyclical
Are we in a carbon drought?
Atmospheric CO2 in perspective
Autumn in Germany and weather in general around the world
Battle against global warming: pointless..
Beginning of spring in Hamburg, Germany
Believing CO2 controls climate is like believing in magic
Birth of global warming hoax
Can carbon capture and sequestration fight climate change?
Carbon cycle residence time - 5 years
CARBON DIOXIDE - The good news
Carbon Dioxide Doesnt Cause Catastrophic Global Warming
Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming is ruining the economy
Challenging Net Zero with Science
Climate Alarmist Banks Go Carbon-Colonialist
Climate Alarmists Have Abandoned Scientific Method
Climate change and the modern-day Scrooge
Climate Change Critique
Climate change, energy, national security - video
Climate Change, The Role of the Sun
Climate explained by physicist using spectra
Climate Models Botch Another Prediction
Climate Update - 2020
CO2 alarm and nuclear power advocacy
CO2 benefits the world
CO2 from Human Emissions
CO2 hysteria
CO2 is a benefit rather than climate killer
CO2 keeps rising despite COVID-19 pandemic global shutdown
CO2 System
CO2: Separating Scientific Fact from Personal Opinion
Colder climate conditions and weaker solar activity intensify storminess in Europe
Coming of New Ice Age
Comments on EPA Proposed Fossil Fuel Power Plant Rule
Confessions of a Greenpeace drop out - video
COP21 Non binding and toothless un-climate deal
Defending CO2 and our way of life
Dekarbonisierung der Welt
Demystifying the Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect
Die sonne bringt es. Das IPCC ist Werbeagentur fuer die Dekarbonisierung
Dogma of man made global warming
Evidence that man-made CO2 does not cause global warming
Food abundance, not climate change food shortages
Fork in the road for climate change debate
Geologic history contradicts’ CO2 warming fears
German geophysicist explains the climate of the Earth
Get politics out of climate change science
Global Warming - Fake News
Global warming and cooling mimic magnetic activity of the sun, not CO2
Global Warming Despotism (Jay Ambrose) USofA
Global warming doomsday of Al Gore
Global Warming is an Expensive Myth (Henry Burke) USofA
Global Warming Revisited
Global warming science anything but settled
Global Warming Skeptics (Henry Burke) USofA
Global Warming, Causation, and Public Policy
How hot it got before "global warming"
How much does CO2 from fossil fuels contribute to Global Warming
Human CO2 Emissions have little Effect on Atmospheric CO2
Hurricane Harvey and climate change
Ice-pack of lies
Imminent Collapse of the CAGW Delusion
Interview about AGW - Istvan Marko
Interview about Man-Made Global Warming with David Siegel, Switzerland
Is fear of man-made global warming justified?
Klimarettung segelt unter falscher flagge
Klimawirksamkeit von CO2
KN 2023 - Tipping Point, Minimum Distance Wind, EV tires
Lack of connection between CO2 and ice ages
Letter from NASA Scientists Disputing Man-Made Climate Change
Letter on climate change
Letter to American Physical Society about man-made global warming
Letter to local, state and federal government about fossil fuels
Letter to Senator James Inhofe about relying on IPCC
Man-made climate change: What do scientists say? - video
Man-made contributions to global warming
Man-made global warming destroyed in 500 words
Manns hockey stick ironically proves the Sun - not CO2 - drives climate
Model for atmospheric carbon dioxide - Abstract
NASA study proves CO2 cools the atmosphere
Obamas climate change agenda
Obamas cruel and costly climate hoax
Perspective of Climate Change from South Africa
Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change
Pope Francis - A conversation or a lecture
Position on man-made climate change
Positive impact of human CO2 emissions
Primer on CO2
Proof that CO2 is not a driver of global warming
Real climate change as told by the Hunger Stones
Reducing CO2 emissions is hurting our plants
Resignation from American Physical Society over Climate Change
Right to withdraw from Paris Agreement
Rising Tide of Climate Lunacy
Science against human caused CO2 warming
Scientific dogmatism still alive
Scientific Method, Climate Science, Dogma and Religion
Scientists who publicly disagree with the current consensus on climate change
Serious Man-made Global Warming - Going down false path
Shameless fear mongering versus reality
Society being misled by proponents of human induced climate change
State of Fear - excerpts about man-made global warming
Story behind climate alarmism
Sun not CO2 causes climate change
The 97 percent con game
The big misconception
The Burden of Proof
The Carbon Cycle - a geologists view
The cause of global warming - Hype vs Reality
The death of climate change
The Final Final IPCC AR5 WGI Report
The Green Mirage and con job
The IPCC Emperor Has NO Clothes
The only global warming chart you need (Steven Hayward) USofA
The Skeptics Case
The troubling science, economics, and politics of climate change
The Truth About Greenhouse Gases
The truth about man-made CO2 from fossil fuels - video
The warming of the last 20 years is mainly due to changes in clouds
Time to let the climate scare die
Twin peaks: CO2 and Temperature - Twin Lies
TWTW - 2016 06 18 Fear of CO2
Unnatural consensus on climate change
Videos with facts and myths about CO2
Warum die Laemmer schweigen
Weltuntergangs Szenarien
Weniger Schaeden durch Naturkatastrophen
Wenn der Klimablase schliesslich die Luft ausgeht
What Climate Emergency?
What humans contribute to atmospheric CO2
Where is todays additional atmospheric carbon dioxide coming from?
Why climate skepticism thrives
Why human CO2 does not change climate
Why I am a Climate Change Skeptic
Why it is not carbon dioxide after all
Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming
Why the greenhouse climate hypothesis is wrong
Will Happer interview about man-made global warming
Would Einstein be a global warming skeptic