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Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
People and Energy
North America
South America
13th, 14th, 15th Amendments to the Constition of the USA
20 of the worst epidemics, pandemics in history
2024 Collection of World Problems Related to Energy
2024 Recommendations for Energy, Economy, and Environment
2024 Summary Reports on Climate, Energy and People-Caused Problems
2024 the party is over for free-riding on defense
4th of July in America
62 richest people have same wealth as poorest 3.5 billion
7 Dead Wrong Environmental Predictions From Earth Day 1970
8 predictions for the world in 2030
91 trillion dollar world debt problem
A basic right to select your leader
A Black Responds to Democrats Insane Vow to Disband Police
A Brief Guide to Leftist Destruction
A Christmas Light - 2019
A Lebanese - American Story, Hope For The Middle East
A remembrance of President John F Kennedy with performance of W A Mozarts Requiem - Schiller Chorus
A Synthesis of Discovery About SarsCov-2 in the USA
A time for perspective
A Winter Message
A World Gone Mad
Ability of mankind to solve problems is beyond imagination
About Thomas P Cochran and the NRDC
Actual nuclear power and climate change issue
Affordable electricity can resolve worldwide poverty
Afghanistan and the incompetence of the West
Africa - A Hitchhikers Journey Through Climate Change, Chapter 7.3 Social Injustice, Environment, Theft
Africa - The good camel story
Africa - The Purposeful Impoverishment of African Nations
Africa - Their Needs and Anti-Human Greens
Age of Reason to end Depraved Indifference
Aiming For The Iceberg
Al Gores hypocrisy knows no limits
Alarm About Energy
Albert Einstein Quotes
Allergies to Facts Make Politicians Hurt People
Alleviating Hunger, Thirst, and Disease
Alliance for Responsible Citizenship - Powering the Unplugged - Great Youth
America - Apocalypse Never - False Gods for Lost Souls
America - How 3 Billionaires Plunged the World into Climate Catastrophism
American ignorance is growing fast (like a cancer)
American ingenuity, commitment, capability and capacity
Americans have been lied to
Americas dependency on imports may be stagnating its economy
Americas empire is bankrupt
Americas Founding Is The Greatest Anti-Slavery Movement
Americas Master Strategy - Create Illusion of a War
Americas Nightmare Winter - is coming
Americas relations with Europe, China, and Russia
Anatomy of False Flag Events
Another globalist misanthropic alliance
Apocalypse Not
Appeasement of Climate Change Hysteria
Argentina - Turbulent history of economic crises
Asia - When Wuhan Virus Departs World Will Be Changed
Asia - Where do half the people live?
Aspirin & fossil fuels
Australia - Judges don't even understaand schoolchild science
Australias - Defence nName your enemy
Bacteria 3.5 billion years old
Bad COVID and Energy Policies
Baltimore city schools and administration
Bangladesh - Nasima Akhter Biography
Beethoven Invades The Corridors of Power
Belgium - Ecological activists have managed to paralyze politicians
Belgium - Yellow Lion - A Grander Sight
Belgium - Yellow Lion - Frans Vandenbosch biography and viewpoints
Beware of climate activists cosplaying as conservatives
Biden - Can clean energy schemes get any crazier
Biden - Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan Still Haunts the West
Biden - Disconnected from America
Biden - Eliminating Fossil Fuels
Biden - Energy policies incompetent, intolerable
Biden - EPA Electric Rationing Madness
Biden - Plans to get rid of 60% of electric power
Biden - Promoting environmental destruction, human rights abuses
Biden - Releases Oil From Strategic Reserve
Biden - Sweeping power plant regulations
Biden and G-7 push world into Nightmare Scenario
Biden Buggy and Justin Jalopy
Biden Delusion of Transition to Just Electricity
Biden is failing the World
Biden nuclear strategy
Biden nuclear strategy versus China and Russia
Billionaire climate elites have their own rules
Billionaire crony corporatist schemes
Bolivia - Crimea
Bolivia - Night Visit
Botswana - Sir Ketumile Masire, Nelson Mandela and the Free Market Foundation
BRICS - 2024 Kazan Declaration
BRICS domination
Building a global health system
California bans internal combustion cars and trucks by 2035
California has energy policy problems
Call for an Ad-Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System
Callous CALAS activists against the poor
Can electronic circuitry with micro vacuum tubes survive a nuclear attack
Can we avoid fooling ourselves
Canada - Why I left Greenpeace - video
Candy bomber lessons for Ukraine - and daily life
CDG2024 Climate Discussion Group 2024 - Discussion Policy
Change in way of life in USA 1920 to 2021
Chickens before people
China - 2024 visit by Dennis Keating
China - 2024 visit by Frans Vandenbosch - Report 1
China - Chinese Cosmopolitanism
China - Confucian Solution
China - Criticism of industry and covid statistics
China - Criticism of USA for Democracy Conference as game of the rich
China - Dramatic improvements in standard of living, infrastructure
China - Economic strategy to control other countries
China - Economy a side effect of a horrible disease
China - Explosion
China - Here Comes China
China - Hong Kong since 1990
China - How Green Tech Empowers It
China - Leads US in global competition for key emerging technology
China - Learn to speak Chinese
China - Mao Zedong ordered all sparrows to be killed in 1958
China - rise, America - decline
China - Russia - Worlds Most Dangerous Combination
China - Russia relations 75 years
China - Seeks dominance through fossil fuels
China - Taking over while Europe sleeps
China - The delusion of Peak China
China - The myth of supremacy
China - The real economic crisis
China - The Truth
China - Tibet, Bhutan, Russia - Memories of travel to Russia and Asia
China - U.S. Isolated As Allies Join Chinese New Coal Bank
China - Western Tales About China Are Just Tales
China - What did we do to China
China - Which country has the biggest economy
China - Why Apple manufactures here
China - Xi urges BRICS to push for order
China - Yellow Lion - China has a plan and it is working
China - Yellow Lion - Chinese Women
China - Yellow Lion - Global Civilization Initiative
China - Yellow Lion - Leading the Peaceful Change of World Politics with the Theory of Double Circulation
China - Yellow Lion - Power Shift
China - Yellow Lion - The historical cycle of rise and fall of civilizations
China - Yellow Lion - The Yin and Yang of traditional Chinese and Western healthcare
Choosing a college and having a sound career
Christine Craig: biologist, multi-talented lover of the outdoors
Cities, states would lose voice on model energy code updates
Climate 101 and Energy 101
Climate and fossil fuel alarmist saviors
Climate policy should not be used on hospital emissions
Climate Stalinism
Climate Statism: Science, Poverty, Free Speech at Issue
CO2 is not pollution. It is the currency of life.
Cochabamba, Virginia, Colorado
Colorado history of cities and San Luis Valley
Comments on Green New Deal
Comments on President Donald Trump
Compare Buddhist philosophical and U.S. election debates
Confronting Bidens energy mistakes
COP28 - BRICS reshuffle geopolitical cards
COP28 - Jet-Set Hypocrites Want To Keep Billions in Poverty
Coronavirus Highlights Eco-Radicals’ Anti-Human Agenda
COVID-19 gives the lie to global health expertise
Czech Republic - The European Green deal is a Marxist garbage plan
David Burton, Canada - Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia
Davos Billionaires Green New Dealers adopt Critical Race Theory
Dear Lord what were you thinking
Dear World: Sorry about our president
Deaths from preventable causes, normal flu perhaps same as COVID-19
Debate between science and engineering
Dekarbonisierung der Welt – Teil 3: Der Welthandel
Democracies Fail to Protect Their People
Democracy has a peculiar aftertaste
Democratic Republic of Congo - Cobalt carnage, child labor and ecological destruction
Democrats still embrace their slave-master roots
Developing Nations Reject Western Carbon Colonialism
Dialogue with Frans Vandenbosch about China, the USA and the world
Digital book burning and the degradation of science
Discovery about radiation and life. Wilderness experience
Dogma Rules -- Unchallenged
Earth Day in Denver, Colorado, USA, April 22, 2023
Earth Day, Then and Now
Easter Message by Diane Sare
Ecomodernism provides a way
Ecoscience - population, resources, environment
Education is one of the most challenging issues
Ein sagenhaft erfolgreiches Geschäftsmodell
Electrify Everything Everywhere For The Climate And Economy
Elon Musk - Green Agenda is a Death Cult
Elon Musk scientist dreamer
Endangerment Finding Expanded EPA Regulatory Power
Energy Alarmists, Energy Problem Solvers
Energy and Mankind Part 1
Energy and Mankind Part 2
Energy and Mankind Part 3
Energy as a Vehicle of Control and the War on Carbon
Energy Inequality
Energy Keepers Energy Killers: The New Civil Rights Battle
Energy poverty versus renewable energy
Energy Poverty: The Deadly Side of Renewable Energy
Energy, environment, economic, education, lifestyle, and government choices - 2021
Environmental Heresies
Eric Jelinski, nuclear, chemical, mechanical engineer, soils and agriculture expert - Canada
ESG efforts to rid the world of fossil fuels will drive humanity back to medieval times
Europe - Amazing Europe and Mediterranean
Europe - Amazing Europe Today
Europe - Anti-Nuke Greens Menace Europe
Europe - Are We Sleepwalking into Thermonuclear World War III
Europe - Critical Infrastructure
Europe - False reverence for Greta Thunberg
Europe - Friends like these
Europe - G7 wants to dump natural gas
Europe - Green Is the New Red
Europe - Lies and Truth About Ukraine
Europe - NATO strategy to protect Europe is guaranteed to fail
Europe - Sanctioning Russia could topple the West
Europe - SUICIDE WATCH as food and energy collapse gets worse by the day
Europe - They call it Progressive - Davos 2023
Europe - To be crushed by deep recession
Europe - USA - Green consequences
Europe - Why Elites Like Greta Thunberg Hate Capitalism
Europe - Why Greens Love Putin
Europe - Yellow Lion - The power behind the throne and the forever wars
Europes German Problem
Europes recipie forr disaster - Von der Leyen program
Example set by Native Americans
Experts raise alarm after Biden strikes agreement with China to shut down fossil fuels
Extraordinary popular delusions - Madness of crowds
Extraterrestrial Imperative or Thermonuclear War
Extreme Green demand to reduce fossil fuels
Facts and fallacies about America’s economic pie
Fair Trade for thee but not for me
Fake videos of real people
Farewell Address by George Washington with advice on political parties
Fear - The Best Tool of the Ruling Class
Fewer children because of climate change anxiety
Fight virus not carbon
Fighting blind tides of history - Atlantic Council
Financiers of Death - part 1
Financiers of Death - part 2
Find the cure, ignore the symptoms
Flu pandemic 1918
Fossil Fuels and Mankind
Four environmental heresies - video
Four essays on the madness of our times
Four of the world-s largest problems
France - A passion for truth and the common good
France - Bruno Comby - Biography
France - Farewell to Growth
France - Global warming and employment
France - History of western malignancy - John Law
France - Marie Curie - Biography
France - The evolution of education
France - Unjustified taxation on fossil fuels
France - USA and French presidential elections - 2016
Freeman Dyson Physicist and Iconoclastic Thinker Dies At 96
Freeman Dyson RIP
Future of planet Earth
Gary Young - Life-long interest in science, energy and water resources
Geo-economics and geo-politics drive predatory globalization
Geopolitics and the New Nature of War
Germany - About the decline of natural sciences in the land of poets and thinkers
Germany - Albert Koehler - Geschichte und Karriere
Germany - Attempt to analyze the current discussion on climate protection in Germany
Germany - Better Not To Be Born
Germany - Bonhoeffer on the Stupidity that Led to Hitlers Rise
Germany - Current Reality
Germany - Election results 2021
Germany - Fear, a master from Germany
Germany - Full Circle
Germany - How do we reach youth
Germany - How governments create inhumane bureaucracies
Germany - Hysteria, Dogma Risk Catapulting Germany Back To The Dark Ages
Germany - My early encounter with Leibniz
Germany - Opa Franz Friedrich Storz
Germany - Reinhard Storz, Marine Engineer - resumé
Germany - Review of DW Climate Change website
Germany - The Age of Reason Is in the Stars!
Germany - The British in their infinite wisdom miscalculated
Germany - The decline of serious science means the end of industrial society
Germany - The fairy tale of trust
Germany - The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War
Germany - Versuch einer Analyse der gegenwärtigen Diskussion zum Klimaschutz in Deutschland.
Germany - Views on energy, immigration, government
Germany - Vom Niedergang der Naturwissenschaften im Land der Dichter und Denker
Germany - Werner Herzog - Films
Germany - What does Angela Merkel think of nuclear power now?
Germany - What the hell is happening in Germany
Germany - Will everything be OK if we stop eating meat and ride bicycles
Germany - With Putins war in Europe the legacy of Germanys Merkel is seen in different light
Germany - Wohin fuehrt uns der aktuelle Zeitgeist?
Global elites have no plan to replace oil other than lining their wallets
Global Living Conditions
Global nuclear war may start in Ukraine
Global temperature anomaly and John Kerry
Global Warming and Irrelevance of Science
Global Warming: Since People Are the Problem, Just Get Rid of Them
Globalists move into the KILL PHASE of human extermination
Goals to destroy the free world
Government is Response to Covid-19 Virus
Graduates face a big challenge
Great power focus underpins military failures
Green Fascists Are Destroying the World
Green hypocrisy hurts the poorest - The Wests war on energy is crippling Africa
Green New Deal excludes nuclear
Green New Deal Fact Sheet
Green New Deal Ridiculous
Green New Deal wants 100 trillion dollars in 10 years
Guinea - DCD, DEA - Joseph Samoura and the Destiny Center for Destitute
Guinea - DCD, DEA - New van for Destiny English Academy
Guinea - DCD, DEA - Plans to build orphanage and school
Harris - Walz are oblivious that the US economy can not exist with out crude oil.
Has America seen its finest hour
Health, Life Expectancy, GDP, Energy
Hearing beauty - Beethoven, Helen Keller
History of Cornwall Alliance - Part 1: Early Seeds
History of slavery and slave trade worldwide - die Sklaverei
Horse manure crisis of 1894
How come?
How do you fight for a country you are taught to hate
How do you kill 7.5 billion people?
How governments create inhumane bureaucracies
How long can humans survive?
How Many Of The World’s 8 Billion Will Survive Without Fossil Fuels
How much population can Earth support before running out of natural resources
How the American Left empowers Putin
How the west got healthy and prosperous
How The West Is Destroying Itself
How the world really works - book review
Human Progress website - About
I pencil - video
If the elite really cared about humanity
Importance of Americas 2020 election
In Memory of a Great Scientist - Fred Singer
Inaugural Address of President John F. Kennedy
India - British colonialism killed millions
India - Colonial constitution made worse by socialist intervention
India - Foodgrain output up 5 fold in 60 years
India - Not for thee but for me
India - Partition 1947
India - The East Slams The Wests Climate Colonialism
India - Tribute to Vikram Sarabhai
India - Understand the difference between pollution and climate change
India - Why Christianity Is the Worlds Most Eco-friendly Philosophy
Inflation in USA - voters are furious
Introduction for those concerned about nuclear power, fossil fuels, and man-made global warming
Iran's boycott of Jewish science, technology
Iraq - Peace prize for Mayors for Peace
Ireland - Fake experts fuel climate change denial
Ireland - Science Feedback have generated disinformation about CERES-Science
Irving Janis victims of Groupthink
Is Green Growth The New Degrowth
Israel - Christians Prefer Living in Israel
Israel - Gaza - Truths Behind the Lies
Israel - Innovating for a water starved planet
Israel - Palestine - Jordan - Syria - Germany - USA - The Oasis Plan
Israel - Palestinian Two State Solution
Israel - Standing Alone
Israeli message for Western Democracies
It is a green thing.....
It is simple to understand and sad to know
It was never about emissions
Its the 1970s all over again - Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden
Ivory Tower prof calls for one child policy
Japan - Rice field paintings and man-made global warming
Joe Biden tells us anything
Joe Biden, the Unapologetic, Unpatriotic Globalist
Joe Bidens Manifesto
John A. Shanahan - Marquis Who is Who Press Release
John A. Shanahan - civil engineer - biography
John A. Shanahan - Explanation of Marquis Who is Who listing
John A. Shanahan - Marquis Who is Who biography
John D Dunn, MD JD
John Eidson - Biography
John Kerrys Idiotic Priorities
John Landis - engineering physicist - obituary
July 2020 Update on COVID-19
Katherine Johnson pioneering mathematician
Keeping the poor impoverished
Kenya - 11 Golden Maasai Knowledge Rules and Wisdom
Kenya - Across Maasai Land Initiative, AMLI
Kenya - Devastating Drought
Kenya - Ezekiel Ole Katato - biography
Kenya - Maasai to make peace with elephants
Kenya - Young Generation in Nuclear Summit Proposal
Knowing Left From Right
LaRouche Plan for a New International Economic Architecture
Leftist Insanity - It is worse than you thought
Legalized climate grifting
Leo Rostermundt - Biography
Let us quarantine fake coronavirus and energy news
Letter to President of Princeton University on systemic racism
Letter to President Trump on climate and energy
Letter to President Trump on second term
Life expectancy versus income for 200 years
Littoral Combat Ship - U.S. Navy
Looming clean energy crisis
Magical thinking in America
Malaysia - Voice of Global Majority - Witnessing livestream genocide in Gaza
Mankind's contributions to a beautiful world
Mantra of the radical LEFT - Never let a crisis go to waste
March for poverty
Marian Anderson - a beautiful voice for America
Meditations on self discipline and failure
Menacing storms, beautiful skies, lesser known heroes, trouble makers
Message to U.S. National Academy of Sciences
Michael Bloomberg Announces 242 Million Dollar Bid to Shut Down Coal
Michael Shellenberger for governor of California
Michael Shellenberger on Joe Rogan - San Fransicko
Mickey Mouse Climate Change Scientist - Reduce Population
Moral obligation to burn fossil fuels
Most presidents ignore the Constitution
Mountain memories from South America and Asia
Multiculturalism is destroying America and Europe
National Debt Is Overt 34 Trillion Dollars. Time For Truth
Nepal - Support homeless children
Net Zero Is A "Suicide Pact"***
Net Zero is based on political science, not real science
Net Zero policies have trivial effect on temperature
Netherlands - Climategate
Netherlands - Trends - Wealth Distribution - Consequences
New BRICS alliance is a mortal threat to the West
Newsoms energy regulations have oil tankers emitting twice what all of Californias vehicle do
Nigeria - Ken Saro Wiwa: power, greed, oil companies, and dictators
Nigeria - Mercytree International Foundation - Intro
North Korea - Kim regime weaponizes electricity
Norway - Thormod Henriksen - Biography
Nuclear power helps environment and humans
NucleOculture: Production of electricity, liquid fuels, fish, plants
Observations about website
Ode to Joy for 21st Century - Becoming an Expert
Oldest pre human skeleton
One percent own 50 percent of wealth
Original influences
Our Country, Then and Now
Our Decaying Civilization
Our Energy Problems Are Getting Worse
Our One-Party Democracy
Palestine - Just the latest pretext for bringing down Western Civilization
Patrick Moore, ecologist -biography
People in and not in extreme poverty
Perspective on past pandemics
Petition for new international agreement for peace and prosperity
Politicized sustainability threatens planet
Popes Environmental Encyclical Calls for World Government
Por qué estudiar Ciencias Nucleares?
Positions on energy and man-made global warming
Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
Power not Poverty
Problems John Shanahan is going to focus on
Problems with people claiming fission and fusion nuclear power can solve supposed man-made global warming crisis
Radical leftists say oil companies are committing climate murder
Radicals are racist criminals
Ralph M Parsons - Projects for a better world
Real Threat to Banks Is From Bankers, Not Climate Change
Real Threats to Biodiversity and Humanity
Reason they blame heat deaths, blackouts, forest fires on climate change is they cause them
Recognizing opportunity and following up
Recommendations on energy and climate change
Resignation at the New York Times
Risk and fear
Russia - Broken Record
Russia - Economy faces demographic disaster
Russia - Green delusions empowered Putin
Russia - Ocean 2024 Manouvers
Russia - Putins choices are poor
Russia - The Butcher of Ukraine
Russia - The Five Futures of Russia and How America Can Prepare
Russia - This Invasion Is Brought to You by Western Environmentalists
Russia - West-fed collapse after the fall of the Soviet Union
Russia and Eastern Europe
Russia is dying out
Rwanda - Peace education - 1
Rwanda - Peace Education - 2
Rwanda - Peace Education Initiative - Activities 2021
Sam Brinton Saves The World - Not Really
San Francisco Agency Tells Employees to Stay Safe at Home
Saved from Socialist conquest of America
Science Advisor, John Holdren, rejects dialogue on energy
Sciences Untold Scandal about Climate Change Scare
Scientists and engineers working for a better world
Secrets of D-Day June 6, 1944
Self-Delusion: Pretending America Is A Functioning Democracy
Several World Problems - EJ - War
Several World Problems - GY - The Graves Model
Several World Problems - GY - The Tyranny of the Fours
Several World Problems - GY - Tyranny of The Sixes
Several World Problems - JS - Science-dogma, government, essentials, environment
Several World Problems - RS conversation, supply chain, energy exploitation, economics
Several World Problems - TC - Climate changes that benefit people and environment
Sierra Leone - Why Civil Engineering
Simple statement about retrograde environmentalists
Social Engineering - Environmentalism and Globalization
Sodium Laser Guide Star
Song about the ghetto
Sound government for people, energy, and the environment
South Africa - Belief in Socialism
South Africa - Fact Emotion Balance
South Africa - Free women, free the economy