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Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Man Made Global Warming
All Points of View
North America
All Points of View
Considering Some Warming
The Skeptics
Sounding The Alarm
North America
Is CO2 A Pollutant?
Agriculture and Food
Environmental Problems and Progress
History of Climate Change
Man Made Global Warming
Urban Environments
Oceans, Rivers, Lakes, Drinking Water
Water Resource Management
Wild Fires
Wildlife, Biodiversity and Environment
1200 Scientists and Professionals Declare - There is No (man-made) Climate Emergency
2019 UN Climate Emergency Reminder About Hurricane Reality
50 Years of Climate Deception
50 years of climate fear mongering
50 Years of Man-Made Global Warming Fraud
A carbon dioxide debate
A Challenge to Climate "Skeptics" regarding the application of Radiative Transfer Theory and the GHE
A Dearth of Carbon?
A Few Undisputable Facts About Climate
A hitchhikers guide through climate change
A Re-evaluation of Greenhouse Effect Evidence
A serious climate opportunity
A Simple Explanation of Weather and Climate Change
A Simplified Explanation Of Climate Science for Policy Makers And High School Students
A Simplified Explanation of Climate Science for Policy Makers and Students - 10 Talking Points
A Threat Greater Than Climate Change
Abour the role of water vapor in greenhouse theory
About Climate Models - Garbage In, Garbage Out
About postulates of the Greenhouse Effect Theory
Advice about CO2 and fossil fuels
Aliens Cause Global Warming - Environmentalism as Religion
An absurd 79 percent radiation is based upon an erroneous Stefan-Boltzmann constant
An Assessment Of The Conventional Global Warming Narrative
Analysis of man-made global warming predictions
Andy May, petrophysicist - Ideas on Climate Change
Antarctica is melting - or not
Are polar bears drowning
Atmospheric Climate Testing Simulator
Atmospheric CO2 Levels and Ice Core Determinations of Same
Atmospheric CO2: Causes of Variability
Atmospheric Thermodynamics
Attacks by climate alarmists
Back radiation vs CO2
Battle for Climate Earth
Beware of EPA social cost of carbon models
Big swings in weather - small swings in climate
Californias puny 4-year drought
Can climate models predict climate change?
Can one ten thousandth of the atmosphere control the thermostat of the planet
Can We Double the CO2 Content of the Atmosphere
Carbon cycle simply explained by an ecologist
Carbon dioxide and energy policy
Carbon dioxide cools the Earth
Carbon dioxide is not primary cause of global warming
Carbon Dioxide Myth
Carbon Emissions Deception
Carbon is not carbon dioxide
Ceasing use of fossil fuels in Colorado
Climate - A current overview in plain English
Climate adaptation, reparation and restoration
Climate alarmism is still bizarre
Climate alarmist attacks
Climate alarmists use junk science to promote their agenda
Climate analysis with radiation or radiation and thermal aspects
Climate and Energy Conclusions by Realist Scientist in Obama Administration
Climate at a Glance - 2021
Climate at a Glance - 2022
Climate Change and CO2 Not a Problem
Climate Change For the 21st Century
Climate Change in Perspective
Climate change is natural - Conclusions for energy
Climate change is no catastrophe
Climate change is normal and natural - can not be changed
Climate change is not the end of the world
Climate change or OMG event
Climate Change Reconsidered II - Fossil Fuels, Summary for Policy Makers
Climate Change Tutorial
Climate Change Will Not Kill the Grandkids – Having No Energy Will
Climate Concepts
Climate Concepts - Abstract
Climate constraint equation
Climate Emergency Due to Global Warming Doomsday
Climate Emergency is a Myth - Nobel Laureat
Climate Emergency Tipping Points - Real or Not
Climate Extremes - 2023
Climate History
Climate hysterics skyrocket
Climate models for the layperson
Climate models of future warming
Climate Physics 1 - Basics
Climate Physics 1 thru 10
Climate physics 10 - Absence of Stefan-Boltzmann
Climate Physics 2 - Greenhouse effect - subtraction
Climate Physics 3 - IPCC Inept Physics
Climate Physics 4 - Review of first three (Nos 2, 3, and 8)
Climate Physics 5 - Energy Constraint on Climate (and models)
Climate Physics 6 - Energy Constraint on Climate - graphical version
Climate Physics 7 - IPCC predictions for future climate
Climate Physics 8 - Temperature lapse rate with gain in elevation - Heat In Equals Heat Out
Climate Physics 9 - Feedback
Climate report to UN: Trump right, UN wrong
Climate Science for Policy Makers
Climate science is [NOT] settled
Climate scientists rebut 2016 warmest year
Climategate: Ten years later
CLINTEL Manifesto blasts climate scaremongering
CLINTEL says "Dont fight nature, adapt to it"
Cloud cover is thermostat for Earth-s climate not CO2
CO2 and temperature history for 600 million years - climate in 2021
CO2 climate relationship
CO2 Coalition - Recommended website
CO2 Deficit
CO2 Has A Zero Net Effect
CO2 Increase in the Atmosphere
CO2 Science - Recommended website
CO2, climate change, fossil fuels, and nuclear power
Collection of infrared intensities to consider for global warming
Comments on Moncktons review of Clausers paper on Climate Change
Comments on South Pole warming 3x faster
Computer climate models
Concerns about National Academies of Sciences
Correcting Misinformation on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Corruption of Climate Science Supported by Flawed Models
Count the molecules, count the photons. More CO2 makes almost no difference
D Lightfoot - K Kilty Climate Thermodynamics - Crackpot Papers
Debunking The CO2 Climate Doomsday Scenario With Empirical Evidence
Demystifying Climate, Weather and Climate Change
Denning - Hayden climate debate, Hayden closure
Denning - Hayden Climate Debate, Hayden presentation
Denning-Hayden Climate Debate, Denning Presentation
Denver heat wave produces record temperatures
Discussing carbon dioxide from fossil fuels with alarmists
Discussions of carbon dioxide and climate
Does CO2 or H2O dominate Earth’s temperature
Dont let fear mongers rob you!
Earths climate - photos of the world
Earths climate history - some examples
Easter Island climate myths
Elephant in the Room - CO2
European studies confirm sun dominates earth's climate
Explanation of CO2, fossil fuels, nuclear power and climate change
Explanation of man-made CO2 for nuclear experts
Factors affecting Earths temperature
Facts & simple graphics about climate change
Fake temperatures
Fascinating variations - Weather made (sort of) understandable - Part Two
Follow the money on man-made climate change
Forecasting climate change is a very complex process
Fraud in graphs of climate change alarmists
Geologic evidence for how volcanoes have driven climate change throughout Earth history
Glaciers reveal tree stumps from a warmer time
Global Cooling - A Bad Bet for Business
Global mean temperature anomaly record
Global Warming and Climate Change Quotes
Global warming fears based on an imaginary temperature
Global Warming for the Two Cultures
Global warming in 2010 came from politics not mother nature
Global warming never about climate change
Global warming research
Global Warming Skepticism for Dummies
Government and energy choices about CO2 from fossil fuels in 2021
Grant CO2 a Presidential Pardon
Greenhouse gases can not physically cause observed global warming
Happy Thanksgiving - Thorpe Watson
Historical phenomena prove climate is regulated by forces beyond man
Historical records dont show man-made warming in the USA
History of climate change, Part 1
How atmospheric carbon dioxide becomes trapped in rock
How climate change really works
How CO2 saves the Earth
How CO2 starvation caused mass extinctions
How did obsession with decarbonization arise
How do infrared radiation and carbon dioxide relate to weather, climate
How Does Atmospheric CO2 Affect Ocean Acidification
How does the sun heat the Earth - How does the Earth cool
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Carbon Dioxide
How much does CO2 contribute to the greenhouse effect
How to approach the science of global warming
How to prevent climate change - Prevent births
How to think about climate change
Human CO2 has little effect on the carbon cycle
Hunga Tonga temperature impact waning - Revised February 5, 2025
Hurricane Florence is weather, not climate change
Hypocrisy of climate change advocates
I Do Not Believe There Is A Climate Crisis
Impending collapse of CAGW scare
Increasing evidence destroys primary claim of alarmists
Insignificance of man-made carbon dioxide
Internal climate response including water in its changing states
Interview about polar bears and climate change
Is 2020 the warmest year - - - So What
Is CO2 a Driver of Temperature, Weather or Sea Level
Is earth's climate history largely a fraud
Is Fighting Climate Change Really Fighting Pollution
Is global temperature record credible
Is global warming hot air
Is global warming today all due to super El Niños?
Is the “climate crisis” a cruel hoax or tragic blunder
Is there any climate good news
Issues with the CO2 Coalition leadership
It is Easy to be Fooled by a Climate Alarmist
It is Not about the Climate
Kink in the Jet Stream and Climate Change Spur Extreme Weather
Laws of Physics Define the Insignificant Warming of Earth by CO2
Laws of Physics define the insignificant warming of Earth by CO2 - Background and details for Excel
Laws of Physics Define The Insignificant Warming Of Earth By CO2 - Handout
Laws of Physics Define the Insignificant Warming of Earth by CO2 - Psychrometric Usage
Lesson 1: Are polar bears dying out
Letter to Greta Thunberg
Letter to Heads of Government on Nuclear for Climate Change
Letter To Pope Francis about Man-Made Global Warming
Life as a climate heretic
Life nearly doomed due to too little CO2
Limiting CO2 emissions through carbon taxes
Looking at climate change debate
Macro comments on climate science
Man-made global warming: The story and the reality
Mans Role in Climate Change
Many record hottest days in the USA are before extensive use of fossil fuels
Mass Climate Hysteria
Math confirms foolishness of climate alarmism
Maybe exceptional weather is just weather
Mega-droughts, Mega-propaganda
Memorial and Eulogy for Harold Doiron
Message to Montana Public Service Commission about CO2
Misleading issue of global warming
Molecular and atmospheric scale energy
Nature abhors a positive feedback
Nature Controls CO2 – Not Man
Nature controls the CO2 increase
Nature Is Losing The Battle Against Humans
Nature not humans rules climate
Need for quick action about climate change
Need for understanding carbon dioxide and appreciation of fossil fuels
Net Zero Emissions an unnecessary goal
No Climate Crisis - CO2 Coalition
No CO2 warming for the last 40 years
No Plan B for Planet A
No U.S. Warming 2005 - 2018
Nuclear power is on the rise
Null hypothesis and man-made global warming
Objective Look At Global Warming Controversy
Ocean Acidification Alarmism in Perspective
On Spectral Radiance And Its Meaning
On The Dynamics Of Thermalization In The Atmosphere
Only the greenhouse gas - water vapor - measurably warms the Earth
Ontario plans to reduce plant food
Opportunity to discuss global warming on PBS
Our models are Mickey-Mouse mockeries of the real world
Perverse conflicted ethical systems
Photons and Photonic Confusion
Physics Flow Rates For CO2
Physics Flow Rates for CO2 - Summary
Positive Impact of Human CO2 Emissions
Precise Guesswork
Principled Inaction in Face of Climate Change Extremism
Prioritizing Climate and Pandemic
Problems with Boltzmann constant and CO2 as source of global warming
Psychrometric chart for global warming from CO2 - reply to FE
Psychrometric Research of the Atmosphere
Questions about Atmospheric CO2 and Water Vapor
Questions regarding atmospheric CO2 levels
Rabbit Delusion, The Retirement of Judith Curry
Radiative transfer in Earths atmosphere
Real science must guide policy
Reality of bad climate science and bad politics
Recent developments in Climate Wars
Recent Temperature and CO2 Disconnect
Recommendations to make progress in man-made global warming debate
Records Show Hurricanes Neither More Frequent Nor Severe
Recovery, readiness for natural disasters
Replace climate alarmism with climate sanity
Response to presentation by John Holdren, "Coping With Climate Change: ..."
Reversing climate change
Richard Lindzen climate quotes
Rising Sea-Level Reality
Rising Seas, Sinking Islands
Roger Pielke Jr perspective on climate change
Role of water vapour in retaining heat from the sun
RTC, Radiative Transfer Concept - HTC, Heat Transport Concept - Why We Need Both
Sahara Desert was tropical 6000 years ago
Scientocracy Busts Open the Motivation behind Global Warming Politics
Sea level rise - ten cities
SEC Statement by CO2 Coalition
Selling nuclear based on low CO2 footprint
Selling nuclear based on low CO2 footprint-2
Senate Testimony on Climate Change
Senators Should Know the Truth about Global Warming
Serious climate change happens
Setting the climate record straight
Short videos about climate by John Shewchuk, meteorologist
Simplified physics flow model of carbon dioxide
Skinny polar bears
Snow across Europe in early May
Sobering view of Net-Zero by 2050
Solar minimum fastest decline in 10,000 years
Stripe Charts - Temperature
Summary of back radiation versus CO2
Summary of Earths climate change, mankind's contribution and renewables
Summary of pro and con comments about presenting all sides of CAGW
Sun And Troposphere Control Earths Climate - Comments
Sun and Troposphere Control Earths Temperature
Sun and Troposphere Control Earths Temperature - Why use the psychrometric model
Sun has no sunspots
Sunlight on climate change - Book review
Telling tales on climate change
Terrifying hidden agenda behind climate change
Testimony to Montana Public Service Commission - CO2 Coalition
Texas record cold temperatures - 2021
The advantages of change, climate or otherwise
The benefits of increased CO2 and warmer temperatures - Part 1
The benefits of increased CO2 and warmer temperatures - Part 2
The Big Lie About Man-Made Global Warming
The carbon cycle background
The climate change hypocrisy of the Left
The Climate Discussion Nexus
The Climate-Change Doomsday Just Got Canceled
The colder side of global warming
The dangers of challenging the climate change consensus
The Environment - A True Story
The Global Warming Golden Goose
The greenhouse effect, summary of the Happer and Van Wijngaarden paper
The Greenhouse Theory of Climate Change - History and Discussion
The Imaginary Climate Crisis - How Can We Change The Message
The innocense of carbon dioxide
The Iron Law of Climate Policy
The magic of climate science
The Missing Link in the GHE, Greenhouse Effect
The other side of the global warming story
The physician and climate change
The Power of Nature . . . The Ignorance of Humanity
The real climate science deniers
The Real Story on Climate Change
The Science of Heat Waves
The story of carbon dioxide, the gas of life
The story of the current weather
The Sun Evaporates Water to Cool the Earth for Life to Flourish
The Troubling Science etc. of Climate Change - Book Review
The Troubling Science, Economics & Politics of Climate Change
The true science of climate change
The UN poll redux on most important things to the public
There is NO Climate Emergency, Renewable Energy is the inverse Robin Hood strategy
There is no god in the climate change machine
Thermal Energy
Thermodynamic explanation of climate and CO2
Tom Shula - Background in climate related sciences
Tony Heller - Biography
Top 25 figures about climate change
Total Heat (enthalpy) versus the infrared, IR, measurements
TRCS policy statement
Trillions for Tuvalu
Trump and Climate Policy
Truth Exonerates Carbon Dioxide
Two climate facts
Two CO2 climate change myths
Two views about humans and carbon dioxide
TWTW - 1997 12 27 year in review
TWTW - 2016 08 20 Seeking a common ground
TWTW - 2018 10 13 Richard Lindzen on man-made climate change
TWTW - 2024 06 22 A Climate Crisis
TWTW - 2025 01 18 Steve Koonin Climate Emergency - What Many Believe
U.S. temperature extremes
Unsettled by Steve Koonin - book review
Unstoppable change, stasis, and climatism
Unstoppable Solar Cycles, Rethinking Global Warming
USA Today pushes climate panic
Veneer of certainty stoking climate alarm
Videos by Willie Soon on climate and energy
Videos on Man-Made Global Warming, Fossil Fuels, the Environment and Agriculture
Volcanic versus Anthropogenic CO2
Warming Potential of Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emission
Water in changing states regulates climate
Water Vapor - AI discussion
We are in an Ice Age
We have nothing to fear from CO2
We should embrace more CO2
Weighty words from space pioneers
What are grounds for concern about global warming
What happens if we double the CO2 content of the air/ocean store
What happens with CO2 from fossil fuels
What is Climate
When Virtue Signals Wear Science as a Skin Suit
Where is Purdues Climate Action Plan?
Where is the additional atmospheric carbon dioxide coming from
Where is the missing 33C - Discussion
Where were/are the climate scientists?
Which is a better explanation of weather
Why all the fuss with CO2 and the Greenhouse effect
Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong
Why are there such differences of opinion among scientists about the topic of climate
Why is the core of the earth so hot?
Why Radiative Transfer is the Wrong Model for Earths Atmosphere
Why the climate always has and always will change - No climate crisis
Why the Sun, Not CO2, Heats the Oceans
William Happer - The Best Schools Interview on Global Warming
William Happer is skeptical of man-made global warming theory
World atmospheric CO2 non-fossil and anthropogenic components 1750 to 2018
World atmospheric CO2 non-fossil and anthropogenic components 1750 to 2018 - Derivation of Equations
Your honor, CO2 is not a pollutant