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Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Fear of Radiation
Low Dose Radiation Guidelines
Fear of Radiation
Medical Uses of Radiation
Natural Background Radiation
A peoples guide to our nuclear planet
A revolution in radiation protection that would lead to safer, cheaper nuclear power
Another nail in the LNT coffin
Avoiding diagnostic imaging, not low dose radiation, is real health risk
Bad science blocks access to life saving technology
Cancerphobia and radiophobia hurting people of Japan
Comments on “Radiological Protection of People and the Environment”
Convocation lecture, McMaster University
Current radiation protection limits - Need for change
Demystifying radiation - the nemesis of nuclear energy
Distributing Iodine pills in Canada
Driving policies through fraud and fear-mongering
End of LNT era
Establishing Scientific Bases for Risk-Based Radiation Regulations
Ethical issues of current policies on low dose ionizing radiation
Evidence about radiation submitted to Parliament of the United Kingdom
Exaggerated dangers of medical imaging
Five Surprising Public Health Facts About Fukushima
Fukushima - The Response was Worse than the Event
Fukushima 5 years later
Fukushima and radiation as a terror weapon
Fukushima and radioactivity in sea water
Fukushima, Goiania and the danger from internal radioactivity
How big lie launched LNT myth, great fear of radiation
Introduction to XLNT Foundation and S.A.R.I.
Is your fear of radiation irrational
Joint Communique on Health Effects on Ionizing Radiation
Letter on disastrous consequences from use of LNT
Letter to advisory bodies regarding disastrous consequences from LNT at Fukushima - 2
Letter to advisory bodies regarding low dose total body irradiation for cancer
Letter to National Academies of Sciences about LNT
Letter to professional bodies regarding low dose radiation cancer risk
Linear No Threshold (LNT) Folly: An Economics Perspective on Nuclear Safety
Linear No Threshold Obituary
Linear No-Threshold and Collective Dose Radiation Safety Guidelines
Linear No-Threshold Hypothesis - Guide for the Perplexed
Linear No-Threshold Model for low dose radiation - a failure
Linear No-Threshold Relationship Inconsistent with Radiation Data
Linear-No-Threshold Model Assessment
LNT Hypothesis an Ethical Travesty
LNTgate: Rebuttal
LNTgate: The ideological history cancer risk assessment
Low Level Radiation and Its Implications for Fukushima Recovery
Low Radiation Doses
Mistaken Birth and Adoption of LNT
Model Uncertainty via the Integration of Hormesis and LNT for Cancer Risk Assessment
Move Beyond the Linear No-Threshold Theory for Low-Dose Radiation
Myths about nuclear energy and exagerated radiation dangers
No more radiophobia
No need to be afraid of ionising radiation – even after Fukushima
No reason to fear low dose radiation - Mohan Doss
No reason to fear low radiation - Jerry Cuttler
Nuclear Paradigm Shift
Nuclear radiation fear - The linear no-threshold model is wrong
Observations on Chernobyl After 25 Years of Radiophobia
Ocean-borne radiation from Fukushima
Overcoming the Direct-Proportion Prejudice
Position paper on low dose, low dose rate ionizing radiation
Primer on LNT Model and Hormesis for low dose radiation
Public Trust in Nuclear Energy
Radiation and Reason, Fukushima and After
Radiation and Reason, Fukushima and After - 2
Radiation and Society: Overreaction to Low-Dose-Rate Radiation
Radiation and the value of human life
Radiation basics presentation
Radiation damage to people
Radiation dose models for people
Radiation is not a big deal
Radiation is safe within limits
Radiation limits are a trillion dollar waste
Radiation risk presentation
Radiation, no safe level myth
Radiophobia Kills
Reassessing radiation safety
Remedy for Radiation Fear - Discard Politicized Science EXCERPT
Research needs in the low dose radiation field
Revolution in radiation protection leading to safer, cheaper nuclear power
Risk from radiation very small
Rocky Flats Radiation
Sarcophage de Tchernobyl
Science for Legislators - Is the Fear of Radiation Constitutional?
Should ALARA concept be terminated
The Chernobyl Disaster and How It Has Been Understood
The Linear No Threshold model
The LNT Controversy: Is Low Level Radiation Really Harmful?
The LNT paradigm that failed
The Muller - Neel Dispute, preprint
The Origins of SARI and XLNT
There is no safe level of radiation. Is this true?
Time to look again at radiation safety
Troubled History of Cancer Risk Assessment
True facts about ocean radiation and the Fukushima disaster
Understanding of low dose-rate radiation in Fukushima - Conclusions & Recommendations
Understanding Radiation
Understanding the radioactivity at Fukushima
Urgent Change Needed to Radiation Protection Policy
Using science to update LNT
Video Interview with Emeritus Physics Professor Wade Allison - Nuclear Radiation
Vorsicht strahlung wie gefaehrlich ist radioaktivitaet - German
WCI Newsletter 2021 7 Politics and Isotopes - 10 Years after Fukushima and the Politics of Tritium
We need a new Earth Day
Why are we so afraid of nuclear radiation
Why Low-level Radiation Exposure Should Not Be Feared