COP28 - Hypocricy is too feeble a word
Matt Ridley

Climate alarmist delegates to the UN IPCC COP conferences don't give a pancake about the wellbeing of most of the people of the world, just their alarmist dogma to do away with most of humanity.
Breakthrough! Deep into their umpteenth sleepless night of hard bargaining, the delegates at the COP28 meeting in Dubai managed to upgrade a verb in their final deal.
nstead of saying nations 'could' take action, the agreement 'calls on' them to take action. Incredible! Cue rapturous applause and a standing ovation as representatives from 197 countries approved the historic 'UAE Consensus' on climate change.
China and India, despite spouting the COP catechism, are between them approving the equivalent of a new coal plant every two or three days.