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COP28 - King Charles supports Net Zero

Chris Morrison - King Charles
Plague of insects in Africa - Monarchies - Oligarchies looking after their own sinister schemes are alive and well in Europe. Many of the tyrannt-royalty have been replaced by leaders of the European Union, the cabal working with the World Economic Forum, the Vatican and its modern-day catastrophic man-made global warming alarmism Inquisitors. John Shanahan - civil engineer

It could have been worse. King Charles could have ascended to his desert dais and pronounced that we had just 96 months to avert “irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse”. But that was the Right Charlie back in 2009, giving us the benefit of his sandwich-board scientific wisdom.

The man is now King, and at COP28 he threw away his irksome politically-neutral constitutional role, wrapped himself in Guardianista pseudoscience, and punched down hard on the poor who will be forced to pay for the collectivist madness that is the Net Zero project.