Climate Hysteria In The Dark Ages
Tilak Doshi
USA - Singapore
2023 Forbes

Life without fossil fuels is like this or worse for many. No modern jobs. No economy. No Federal Government running up trillions of dollars on debt. No life for seven out of eight billion people on the planet.
In his bestseller book on the medieval mind, “in a world lit only by fire”, historian William Manchester draws his portrait of the Dark Ages (roughly during 400 - 1400 AD after the collapse of the Western Roman empire and before the Renaissance). He describes it as “a mélange of in Utahcessant warfare, corruption, lawlessness, obsession with strange myths and an almost impenetrable mindlessness.”
It is not a stretch of the imagination to see the remarkable parallels between our own “scientific age” and that of Europe’s Dark Ages. The “incessant warfare” of medieval Europe is now played out in the troubled Middle East since 9/11 (2001) and above all, in Europe itself as NATO and Russia lock horns in Ukraine.