Catastrophic man-made climate change is here. 2020 could be your last chance to stop it
Los Angeles Times Editorial Board: This newspaper and many others in the United States and Europe publish articles including by their own editorial boards proclaiming that fossil fuels are causing catastrophic man-made global warming and that if the world stops using fossil fuels we can stop a man-made climate apocalypse. This website posts articles with many points of view and lets our readers decide for themselves. We also post articles that make our opinion clear. What are your thoughts about use of fossil fuels and modern living? Are you willing to live by your conclusions and let others live by theirs? Or do you want to force the whole world to go without fossil fuels and just use energy from wind turbines, solar panels and biomass? How far will that get us? What is really going on with major media outlets posting alarms of catastrophic man-made global warming?