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Our Childrens Trust lawsuit rejected by court

CFACT, Murphy, Peter, Hansen, James
The American legal system permits many frivolous and obsurd lawsuits. This one claimed that a few American youth had the right to a stable climate. This would attack use of fossil fuels causing global poverty and suffering so that a few American kids could pretend they can control Earths climate. One of the most obsurd cases to be brought to the high court.

Peter Murphy, writer for CFACT, James Hansen former NASA scientist, considered the father of global awareness of climate change, advisor for Our Children's Trust lawsuit for right of a few American youth to a stable climate: A court dismissed the lawsuit on technical grounds. This is one of the most important legal decisions in the history of man-made global warming lawsuits in the USA. This is not the end. The extremists never give up. They are determined to continue. But it is a major victory for reason over extremism that can harm America.