Ten basic truths that fly in the face of the man-made global warming & climate change narrative
1. Since the 1920’s, trends in extreme weather events show neither higher frequency nor higher severity.
2. The average global temperature over the last 100+ years has risen by only 0.9 degrees centigrade.
3. The oceans are not rising any faster than they have been for at least the last 300 years
4. Whatever the capacity for CO2 to trap heat, that impact diminishes on a logarithmic scale, because the infrared wavelengths (heat) that CO2 absorbs is essentially at saturation levels already.
5. The world consumes about 100 million barrels of crude each and every day, and this consumption has been steadily rising since we first discovered it and learned how to use it.
6. Water vapour is not only a far better absorber of infrared (heat) but it is generally present at atmospheric concentrations several magnitudes higher than that of CO2 at typical summer temperatures.
7. The only ‘indication’ of future catastrophic temperatures are the results of computer models.