TWTW - 2019 09 28 UN Childrens Climate Circus
Ken Haapala, Greta Thunberg
SEPP - The Science and Environmental Policy Project

In many parts of the world life and climate are within normal historic ranges. What is out of the normal range is human alarmism over man-made global warming.
Ken Haapala, SEPP, The Science and Environmental Policy Project - The conditions for most of the world’s population are improving significantly. Although wars are ongoing, there is no major world war, killing millions. There are no major famines, other than those created by government policies. World grain reserves are full, and production is increasing greatly in tropical countries, which were once considered too hot, with too thin, too acidic soils to be major grain producers. There is still much to do, particularly in Africa, South America and Asia. This week, the UN hosted a circus, celebrating fears of carbon dioxide (CO2)-caused climate change featuring children and the fears and horrors their parents and teachers have taught them.