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The Rational Climate e-Book, 1st Edition

Patrice Poyet
Malta - France
The French climate in Honfleur on the Seine River where it empties into the English Channel

Early 2020, the world was struck by the man-made disaster of the spread of the COVID-19 virus that escaped from the Wuhan laboratory (Rogin, 2021). But long before this incredible blunder started to be acknowledged after much denying, world leaders and some influential billionaires had already announced what would be the next and even more expensive economic devastation, climate change policies and “decarbonation” of our economies. These perspectives are far worse than a transient virus misery.

In the midst of this COVID-19 man-made disaster I started, as a geophysicist, geochemist and computer scientist, to painfully resent the ludicrous harping of ecologist crooks, NGOs and supranational bodies of the UN to make them feel guilty to just try to make a living for themselves and for their families and to the forthcoming requirement for them to resort to a more frugal way of living «to save the planet» when they themselves have probably not ever experienced what it means to make ends meets.

President Obama’s advice to college graduates «you can’t just accept what the experts and the people in charge tell you» was spot on and I could not accept to be a silent accomplice of the future destruction of western economies for a witch hunt without going in depth: 1) into the relevance of the brandished scientific « proofs » arising from so many disciplines as climate science is just an illusion but resorts to a bunch of well known disciplines as chemistry, physics, geology, astronomy, biology, to name a few, 2) the relevance of computer models mainly based on fluid mechanics equations which are unable to make a decent fifteen day forecast but will – based on the same physical principles and technology – tell you the average temperature a century away, and 3) the delirious policies that will be implemented to fight the enemy, nothing less than the gas of life, the gas which has enabled in the end all living species on this planet to exist. One should never forget that irreplaceable and widely available fossil energy sources together with nuclear energy have simply enabled mankind to move out of the cave and improve living conditions on earth as never imagined before.

NOTE: A 2nd edition is available. It has over 600 pages. This exceeds the 500 page limit of this website's subscription limit of 500 pages per article.

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