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New old report that warming Arctic Ocean caused The Little Ice Age

Cap Allon
Snow depth in the United Kingdom in modern times.

They’re acting like this is new news, as if nobody had ever thought of it before: ‘Scientists Discover A Warming Arctic Drove Earth Into The Little Ice Age’. They’re even calling it “surprising”

As reported by MSN, following an era known as the medieval warm period–so that did exist then…?–temperatures in Europe in the early 15th century plunged in what has become known as The Little Ice Age (LIA).

This remarkable multicentennial period of cold brought increased glaciation to the mountains, an expansion of sea ice, crop failures, famines and disease across the European continent. Flip-flopping summers –with extremes at both ends of the spectrum– were chased by brutally harsh winters, during which rivers and canals routinely froze over.