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There is no climate emergency

CLINTEL - Guus Berkhout
World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Super wealthy and powerful fly in on their fossil fuel guzzeling private jets to hear high school truant Greta Thunberg lecture them and the world to stop using fossil fuels because of supposed catastrophic man-made global warming. What a wonderful world it is!.

Guus Berkhout, physicist, electrical engineer, founder of Netherlands based Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL): Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming. CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth. Global warming has not increased natural disasters. Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities. OUR ADVICE TO THE EUROPEAN LEADERS IS THAT SCIENCE SHOULD STRIVE FOR A SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE CLIMATE SYSTEM, WHILE POLITICS SHOULD FOCUS ON MINIMIZING POTENTIAL CLIMATE DAMAGE BY PRIORITIZING ADAPTATION STRATEGIES BASED ON PROVEN AND AFFORDABLE TECHNOLOGIES.