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What controlled climate for last 2000 years, CO2 or sun

Roger Higgs

Roger Higgs, geologist, Founder, Geoclastica Ltd. From November 2016 until now (July 2019), I have spent most of my time conducting self-funded (thus UNBIASED) exhaustive literature research on ALL sciences relevant to climate- and sea-level change, e.g. geophysics, glaciology, oceanography, astrophysics, meteorology, archaeology and especially geology (the most relevant science of all, entirely neglected by the UNITED NATIONS Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC), as opposed to just 'climate science. My three overriding conclusions will surprise you: (1) metre-scale sea-level rise is coming (3 to 5 m between now and 2100, perhaps even as soon as 2050); (2) the responsible global warming (melting Antarctic glaciers) was caused by the sun (not CO2); and (3) warming ended in 2016, but Antarctic melting will continue ‘ocean memory.’