UN IPCC scientist exposes lies about climate and sea level
Nils-Axil Moerner

The vast and deep oceans are by far the largest reservoir for carbon dioxide. Any effort to extract CO2 from the air will require a) energy from fossil fuels, thus producing more CO2 and b) will be nullified by CO2 released to the atmosphere by the oceans. A stupid, hopeless plan!!! Who elects these politicians??? The answer may be enemies of the free world by manipulating the gullible public.
Nils-Axel Moerner, paleogeophysicist: It is more likely that sea levels will decline, not rise. When Mörner tried to warn the UN IPCC that it was publishing false information that would inevitably be discredited, they simply ignored him. Dismayed, he resigned in disgust and decided to blow the whistle. Asked if coastal cities such as Miami would be flooding due to sea-level rise caused by alleged man-made global warming, Mörner was unequivocal: “There is no rapid man-made sea-level rise going on today."