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The Physics Model Carbon Cycle for Human CO2

Ed Berry, Simon Aegerter, Eric Jelinski, Douglas Lightfoot
USA Canada Switzerland
Switzerland. Anyone who has been visiting Switzerland since the 1960s walking everywhere in the valleys and across mountain passes knows that this country has four magnificent seasons and that while each season varies from year to year each season has stayed within historical ranges. In the 1980s the alarm topic was Waldsterben dying of forests from acid rain That didnt happen. In the 2020s the alarm topic is man-made global warming man-made climate change man-made climate disruption President Obamas Science Advisor John Holdrens terms. The snow still falls in Airolo and children enjoy wonderful ski training. Life is perhaps the best in the world in Switzerland.

Ed Berry, physicist and climate scientist: The scientific basis for the effect of human carbon dioxide on atmospheric carbon dioxide rests upon correctly calculating the human carbon cycle. This paper uses the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) carbon-cycle data and allows IPCC’s assumption that the CO2 level in 1750 was 280 ppm. Human emissions through 2019 have added only 31 ppm to atmospheric CO2 while nature has added 100 ppm. If human emissions were stopped in 2020, then by 2100 only 8 ppm of human CO2 would remain in the atmosphere. Siimon Aegerter, Eric Jelinski and Douglas Lightfoot offer comments from different perspectives.