Cause of global warming remains unknown
Philip Lloyd, Grant Cawthorn, Don Mingay
South Africa

Wild animals live near Koeberg Nuclear Power Station in South Africa. This country depends on fossil fuels and nuclear power. The country needs additional nuclear power close to the centers of industry and urban living in the south. Their coal plants are far to the north. Greenpeace is working in South Africa to misinform the public and politicians and demand wind energy. There is no peace with Greenpeace. Russia and China will have nothing to do with them. The free world is hostage to extreme anti-fossil fuel and anti-nuclear organizations. Freedom is not good when organizations like Greenpeace are free to misrepresent the truth and do harm.
Grant Cawthorn, Philip Lloyd, Don Mingay, science professors in South Africa: The cause of global warming remains unknown and the information being used to determine its effects is too recent to form a good basis for conclusions.