Protein production for humans

There is no doubt that feeding the world today has environmental consequences both on land and in the oceans. If we are going to have 9 billion people on Earth, not 1 billion or less like for all of history up to 1800 AD, we need to have good food production management, just like we need good energy management.
We proved by simple calculations in the 1970s, by taking several areas of the world currently producing food, e.g., (the Rio de la Plata and the Ganges-Bhramaputra river delta, that if capital goods, drills, wells, fertilizer, etc. were used to bring those areas up to the productivity/hectare as in the Netherlands and Belgium, for example, WITHOUT BRINGING A SQUARE INCH MORE UNDER CULTIVATION, those areas could by themselves produce as much food as the entire world was producing at that time!
If the world, and the abused former colonial countries, would have been allowed to develop thousands of nuclear plants, to produce cheap electricity to raise the standard of living and develop, we would not be in the mess we are today. We must fix that now.