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UK - Hydrocarbon man, James Lovelock and a better world

  • Article Countries: UK
  • Article Year: 2017

James Lovelock, Environmentalists, Chemist, Earth Scientist and John Shanahan, Civil Engineer and President of EFN-USA: This article presents ideas and quotes from one of the world's most respected environmentalists, James Lovelock, a funny, short video about HydroCarbon Man, and thoughts for the future by John Shanahan, Civil Engineer and President of Environmentalists for Nuclear - USA. We will have a much better future by staying with realists with moderate, middle of the road, sound leadership with broad consensus rather than radical extremists on the left or right.


  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2020
  • Publisher:

Unreliability makes solar power impossibly expensive

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher: CFACT Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Many states and the utilities they regulate are talking about replacing their coal and gas fired generators with solar and wind power.

Given the high intermittency of wind and solar the idea of running on solar and wind turns out to be an extremely costly prospect. It is all about reliability. Electricity must be there when we need it.

USA - Americas Nightmare Winter - is coming

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher:

I believe something terrible is about to happen to millions of unsuspecting Americans… Our good fortune of the past 50 years is about to take a major turn, as two inevitable trends careen toward each other, like runaway freight trains on the same track. This collision will bring about some of the most difficult years in American history.

I’ve made three macroeconomic predictions in my 50-year career. All three proved to be right, though I was mocked each time.

My fourth and final prediction should be no different.

USA - Biden is failing the World

  • Article Countries: USA - World
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher: Environmental Progress

Many friends and family disagree with this article. Others strongly agree with it. Michael Shellenberger is an outstanding student, analyst, and speaker / author of key topics about humanity, government, energy, and the environment. He deserves praise for all of his work and for his honesty in changing positions as he learns more.

USA - Comments on Green New Deal

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher: CFACT

David Wojick, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow, CFACT, Washington, D.C., Ph.D. Philosophy of Science and Mathematical Logic, B.Sc. Civil Engineering: The Green New Deal has two features which, taken together, will make it a nightmare for Democrats in the upcoming national elections. First, it is a wonderful wish list of goals the Democrats hold dear. But second, the actions it calls for are impossible. In particular, they would be impossibly expensive, even for tax-and-spend Democrats. The Green New Deal is simply preposterous. This unholy combination sets up a dilemma for every Democrat candidate, for the Presidency, House or Senate. The problem is that every Democrat candidate will have to declare whether or not they endorse the Green New Deal.

USA - Green New Deal excludes nuclear

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher:

Michael Shellenberger, Founder - President of Environmental Progress: Bill McKippen, Alexandris, Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders are behind the Green New Deal in Congress. This will stop fossil fuels and nuclear and leave the government in charge of most of the things in our private lives. The Socialist revolutions of the last century all over again.

USA - Green New Deal Fact Sheet

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2019

Congress Woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D, NY launched her Green New Deal February 7, 2019. It is by far the largest plan ever for the United States government to take control of most aspects of every American's life and spend tremendous amounts of money that doesn't exist. It would far surpass the artificial economies of Communist China and the Soviet Union. This is a massive transformation of American society with clear goals and timeline. The Green New Deal resolution is a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale never seen before. It aims to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and create economic prosperity for all. This is preposterous: If implemented, it will replace the unmatched successful capitalism economic model with a profoundly failed socialism economic model. It will obliterate the American currency, which is already seriously compromised by four decades of accumulating a 20 trillion dollar national debt. It will exceed this national debt many times over.

USA - Importance of Americas 2020 election

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2020

John Shanahan, civil engineer, editor The American 2020 election in November will have perhaps the biggest consequences of any election in its history. CHOICE ONE: huge, even one-world government, where a few ideologues opposed to rules for a Republic established by the Founding Fathers pretend to solve all the country's energy, economic and social problems. CHOICE TWO: small government with maximum freedom for all. The choices are crystal clear and will take the United States either to a beautiful place with plentiful energy and prosperity or to where everyone is dependent on the government in a miserable economy. Wind and solar energy or fossil fuels and nuclear power. Don't decide on the personalities of the individual candidates. Decide on what they will deliver for you and our country.

USA - Introduction about nuclear power, fossil fuels, and man-made global warming

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022

Most of my friends support the content of 2,800 articles about energy on the website: Some live in doubt and fear of carbon dioxide, the molecule of life, thinking it causes catastrophic global warming, hate fossil fuels, and fear nuclear power. Haven’t been able to convince them that these things are safe and necessary in the modern world. Win some. Lose some. Don’t worry. Be Happy!

Nuclear power is one of the safest things mankind has ever developed, even with the accidents of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima. Nuclear medicine, nuclear technologies, and nuclear science will make the future even greater.

Driving a car, riding a bicycle, meeting friends, playing sports, going to church, using the Internet, lying in bed, and attending family reunions are riskier than living near a nuclear power plant designed to standards of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Europe, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, UAE, and the USA. Probably also China and Russia.

USA - Positions on energy and man-made global warming

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2019

John Shanahan is a civil engineer and past president of Go Nuclear, Inc. and Environmentalists for Nuclear - USA: There is a titanic struggle regarding nuclear energy, fossil fuels, wind, solar and bio-fuels and the topic of man-made global warming and man-made sea level rise. This article presents the position of the website: The right combination of energy sources and position on the topic of catastrophic man-made global warming and sea-level rise is extremely important for humanity, the environment and all of nature.

USA - The only Green New Deal that worked

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher: Environmental Progress,

Michael Shellenberger, Founder - President of Environmental Progress: Rep. Ocasio-Cortez said, "The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change." Then, yesterday, she proposed a “transition from” nuclear power, America’s largest source of emissions-free energy. How does she avoid the cognitive dissonance created by holding two radically opposed views? The Socialist revolutions of the last century all over again.

USA - Why Biden Keeps Lying About Energy

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher: Environmental Progress

The president finally admits we need more oil refineries but lies about supply

Biden killed a major oil refinery expansion on May 14, just five weeks ago, and killed a one million acre oil and gas lease proposed for Alaska on May 12. Some might dismiss Biden’s refusal to open up one million acres in Alaska, but Biden has yet to hold a single onshore lease sale and delayed multiple oil and gas lease sales a second time last week.

Vogelkiller Windkraft

  • Article Countries: Germany
  • Article Year: 2016
  • Publisher: Kalte Sonne

Die kalte Sonne, Fritz Vahrenholt, Sebastian Luening - Die Kraniche kommen. Viele Tausend der majestätischen Vögel sind nach ihrem kräftezehrenden Nonstop-Flug aus dem Süden Europas jetzt im Anflug auf Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Die ausgewiesene Fläche für den Bau der Windkraftanlage befindet sich direkt im Hauptflugkorridor zwischen den Schlafplätzen und den Nahrungsgewässern für Kraniche. Die Auswirkungen einer industriellen Windenergieanlage auf dieses wertvolle Biotop sind immens