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global warming

Allergies to Facts Make Politicians Hurt People

  • Article Countries: USA, Europe
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:,,

Scientists know that, rather than increased atmospheric CO2 causing temperatures to increase, additional CO2 in the atmosphere follows ocean temperature increases and decreases.

Every child and adult knows this from watching “bubbly” leaving soda, sparkling wine, and beer as drinks warm.

Allow whims of alarmists to dictate policy - Then pay the price

  • Article Countries: Europe
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

We’ve allowed the whims of ill-informed alarmists to dictate policy, and now we’re paying the price. A small army of extremists were formed by the higher-ups and were then let loose on a politically-correct west — this was only ever going to end one way…

A jet stream will revert from its standard Zonal Flow to a Meridional Flow and, depending on which side of the jet you’re on, you’ll either experience a spell of unseasonably cold or hot weather and/or a period of unusually dry or wet conditions.

Ambulance chasers arrive in Colorado

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher:

This is an excellent video narrative of the environment, growth of fire burden, and reckless, irresponsible building code and energy policies at all government levels in Colorado.

Antarctica is not rapidly melting

  • Article Countries: UK
  • Article Year: 2020
  • Publisher:

Principia Scientific, author Edward Ring: According to BBC writer Jonathan Amos, Earth’s great ice sheets, Greenland and Antarctica, are now losing mass six times faster than they were in the 1990s thanks to warming conditions. To focus on Antarctica, the report in Nature claimed Antarctica is losing, in recent years, 190 gigatons of ice per year, an amount that supposedly portends an ominous future for coastal cities around the world. But the total ice mass of Antarctica is generally estimated at 26.5 million gigatons. This means that the participating scientists claim they can observe a change in the total ice mass of Antarctica of one seven millionths per year. You can’t even make an easily comprehensible fraction for an amount this infinitesimal. Expressed using decimals, it’s .000007. It doesn’t take a scientist to wonder if these scientists aren’t jumping to conclusions. This amount of change is way below the noise level.”

Appeasement of Climate Change Hysteria

  • Article Countries: Canada
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

The day of reckoning over the Western world’s self-destructive indulgence of the excesses of the environmental movement must now be almost at hand.

Are we in a carbon drought?

  • Article Countries: USA, Canada
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher:

Physicist, Professor Happer points out carbon dioxide is an important trace gas and an integral part of the carbon cycle, a bio-geo-chemical cycle in which carbon is exchanged between the oceans, soil, rocks and the biosphere. Virtually all of life on the plant requires CO2 concentrations to be above 150 parts per million. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere over the past 500 million years has been as high as 4,000 ppm and as low as 180 ppm.

Asia - Where do half the people live?

  • Article Countries: UK and USA
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

Half the people on Earth live in warmer climates - the blue circle on the map below. So do most corals, marine life, plants, trees, insects, birds, and animals. A little warming in colder regions of the planet is beneficial. These warmer regions have lived more peacefully for thousands of years than people in the colder regions. Humanity must not be forced to take the climate alarmist pronouncements of European and North Americans, their royalty, politicians, behind the scenes manipulators, and bankers.

Asking the wrong question - A fools errand

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher:

Imagine a large room with perfectly insulating walls. The room contains chairs, tables, books, sheets of paper, pitchers and glasses of water, some flowering plants, and so forth. Now comes the question:

“If we add some heat (say 1 MJ) to the room, how much does the temperature rise?”

“If we add a certain heat flux (say 1 W/m2) all over the surface of the earth, how much would the temperature rise? So many assumptions are involved that the calculated temperature rise can be pretty much anything. Start programming your supercomputer!

Now turn that unanswerable question around and ask an answerable question: “If the temperature of the surface rises by (say) 1ºC, how much more IR does it emit?”


  • Article Countries: Canada
  • Article Year: 2014
  • Publisher: Energy & Environment

The total warming effect of all of the greenhouse gases is 324 W m-2. Thus, CO2 is (8.67/324) = 2.7% of the total. The other greenhouse gases, except for water vapour, account for 0.7%. Therefore, water vapour accounts for (100 – 3.4) ≈ 96% of global warming.

The results of these two independent scientific methods agree and show conclusively that CO2 is a very small part of global warming, and that whatever controls the level of water vapour in the atmosphere controls atmospheric temperature.

Australias giant green gamble on solar energy toys

  • Article Countries: Australia
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher: Saltbush Club

By the time solar energy reaches Earth’s surface it is spread very thin – even midday sunshine will not boil the billy or make toast. And solar collectors will only convert about 20% of that weak energy into electricity. Thus thousands of solar panels are needed to collect significant energy, and lots more to charge the expensive batteries needed to maintain electricity supply overnight and during cloudy weather. Despite these disadvantages, force-feeding of “green” energy by all levels of government has given Australia nearly three million solar collectors (mainly imported from China).

Battle for Climate Earth

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher:

The earth's climate has been changing for the past 4.5 billion years. Several catastrophic events have caused life-threatening climates and extinctions.

Activist movements have used children through the ages. Greta Thunberg being the latest. "Our house is on fire!"

The modern climatic optimum is making the ecosystem great again!

Biden continues to flip-flop on crude oil policies

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher:

China and Russia are great War historians of WWI and WWII, and know that the countries that controls the minerals, crude oil, and natural gas, controls the world! Biden has done a great job of relinquishing “CONTROL” for the “green” materials to China, and relinquishing “CONTROL” of the crude oil to OPEC and Russia! God help America!

We can look forward to more oscillating energy signals from Biden, as he has no backup plan for a replacement for the products manufactured from oil. The efforts to cease the use of crude oil could be the greatest threat to civilization, not climate change. Attaining a decarbonized world like the one that existed in the 1800’s and before, would result in billions of fatalities for 8 billion on earth from disease, malnutrition, and weather-related deaths.

Biochemist explains atmospheric carbon dioxide to John Kerry

  • Article Countries: Canada -- USA
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

The earth is indeed maintained at a higher temperature than it would otherwise be, all due to the atmosphere. So how does the atmosphere do that?  Answer: It has very little to do with CO2, and little (but more) to do with water vapour.  During daylight hours, the sun warms the earth.  99.9% (not just 99.0%) of the atmosphere is nearly completely transparent to incoming radiation, but the earth's surfaces absorb a lot of that energy and some parts of it more so than others. This explains why black pavement is so much hotter during hot summer days than is the lighter colored sidewalk right beside the pavement.  It is also why we feel cooler in the shade when the temperature of the atmosphere is the same in or out of the shade. Why? Because the vast portion of the atmosphere can't absorb incoming radiation from the sun, but human beings can.

Calculating the full costs of electrifying everything using only wind solar and batteries

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher: Manhattan Contrarian

For several years now, advocates of “decarbonizing” our energy system, along with promoters of wind and solar energy, have claimed that the cost of electricity from the wind and sun was dropping rapidly and either already was, or soon would be, less than the cost of generating the same electricity from fossil fuels.

Ken Gregory came out with a Report at a Canadian website called Friends of Science with the title “The Cost of Net Zero Electrification of the U.S.A.” Gregory provides a tentative number for the additional storage costs that could be necessary for full electrification of the United States system, with all current fossil fuel generation replaced by wind and solar. That number is $433 trillion.

Can carbon capture and sequestration fight climate change?

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022

The assumption stated and implied in the question is that human-made CO2 has increased global CO2, and this increased CO2 and the greenhouse effect (GHE) continue to increase global temperatures. But, as discussed below, this new fantasy of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) can become a global economic disaster even if it works. So, let us examine the relevant science, facts, and historical records and see where they lead us.

There's another deception here. People have been led to believe that CO2 remains in the atmosphere for a long time and keeps increasing and accumulating. But that is not the case as more atmospheric CO2 becomes available, plants and phytoplankton gobble it faster, allowing plants to grow bigger, faster, and more plentiful. This is demonstrated by the fact that the earth has been greening like crazy and arid regions are decreasing.

Canada - The Road to Global Serfdom

  • Article Countries: Canada
  • Article Year: 2021

The idea that mankind could control the climate with a trace gas, carbon dioxide ("CO2"), was very intriguing and something that farmers could only hope for in their wildest dreams. Regretfully, my investigation failed to discover any scientific evidence to support the man-made global warming hypothesis. It appears that CO2-induced, climate change exists solely in the mythical, computer world of fatally flawed climate models. It is a childish delusion!