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Evidence low dose rates increase dog lifespans

Jerry Cuttler, Ludwig Feinendegen, Yehoshua Socol
Canada, Germany, Israel

Jerry Cuttler, Ph.D. Nuclear Sciences and Engineering, past president of Canadian Nuclear Society. Ludwig Feinendegen, MD, Professor Emeritus, Heinrich-Heine Universität, Director of the Institute of Medicine at Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich. Yehoshua Socol Ph.D. Experimental High-Energy Physics, Executive Analyst, Falcon Analytics: After the 1956 radiation scare to stop weapons testing, studies focused on cancer induction by low-level radiation. Concern has shifted to protecting “radiation-sensitive individuals.” Since longevity is a measure of health impact, this analysis reexamined data to compare the effect of dose rate on the lifespans of short-lived (5% and 10% mortality) dogs and on the lifespans of dogs at 50% mortality. .. .. If dogs model humans, this evidence would support a change to radiation protection policy. Maintaining exposures “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA) appears questionable.