Biological effects from low doses and dose rates
Ludwig Feinendegen, Jerry Cuttler
Germany, Canada
Canadian Nuclear Society
All life is exposed to low dose radiation and thrives when other parameters are met.
Ludwig Feinendegen, M.D., former director of the Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital, Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, Germany, 2010 Marie Curie Prize - Jerry Cuttler, D.Sc. in nuclear sciences and engineering, recipient of 2011 International Dose-Response Society Award for Outstanding Career Achievement: There is considerable controversy regarding risk of health detriment after low-level exposure to ionizing radiation. This stems in part from a sort of distance between radiation biologists, epidemiologists, and radiation protection professionals, as well as regulatory institutions. This feeds seriously into a somewhat hazy fear of ionizing radiation that besets large portions of the public.