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How can the Colorado River continue to support 36 million people

Terry Gross, David Owen
National Public Radio

Terry Gross, NPR, David Owen, New Yorker: We're going to start this interview with the subject of David Owen's new book, "Where The Water Goes," about the Colorado River. The river and its tributaries supply water to over 36 million people in seven states - Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and California - and irrigates close to 6 million acres of farmland. Owen writes about the engineering feats that make all that possible and the legal and environmental battles surrounding the river. The Colorado River is so overtaxed that by the time it reaches the U.S.-Mexico border it's dry. This question can be repeated for rivers and ground water around the world. Each river that is overused destroys the land and water ecology. There are solutions, if we look far enough.